130 West Main St. • Plainville, CT 06062


Save Our Steeple Capital Campaign

In 1840 twenty-one persons were received into the congregation of The Congregational Church of Plainville, UCC. In 1849 plans for a larger, more attractive house of worship took form. The church was designed by prominent 19th century architect Henry Austin. That meeting house was dedicated on July 31, 1850, in its present location.

In the nearly 175 years since our beautiful building has become historical fixture on the landscape of Plainville. Our Steeple has withstood the test of time, however the harsh New England elements and passing years have taken its toll. 

When the clock stopped running, a thorough investigation as to why was completed by engineers and architects who specialize in historic preservation. Several issues were uncovered. A multi-phase plan was developed to preserve the steeple. The first phase of that plan, emergency repairs, has already been started. It is estimated that to complete all the repairs, the cost will be over a half million dollars.

To make preservation of the steeple possible, the Church is utilizing two approaches, one is through grants and the other is an ambitious capital campaign to raise $300,000. At this time, we are asking that you please donate to our campaign. Even the smallest of donations can add up.

We can think of no better gift to give the steeple for its one hundred seventy fifth birthday.

If you would like to contribute to help Save Our Steeple, please use one of the methods listed below.


There are a variety of ways to make your gift for our Save Our Steeple capital campaign.

1. Cash/Check – paid immediately. If you wish and are able, giving your pledge all at once at the beginning of our Save Our Steeple capital campaign will help us begin various projects immediately.

2. Cash/Check – pledged and paid over the year long campaign. Pledge payments may be scheduled according to your needs and placed in the offering box or mailed to the church (write: “Save Our Steeple” in memo line of check).

           Mail all checks to: The Congregational Church of Plainville, UCC, 130 West Main Street, Plainville, CT 06062

3. Electronic Funds Transfer – No computer or technical skill is needed. Simply fill out an Electronic Funds Transfer form to set up automatic contributions from your checking or savings account. Monthly or quarterly giving options are available.

4. Online Giving – Use our secure online giving platform to set up an online donation. Choose the Save Our Steeple option in your designation. Click the button below to be taken to our online giving page.